More About Me
Entering her 17th year as a Realtor, Hannah Tai consistently strives to serve her clients as a trusted and diligent advisor, providing extraordinary customer service.

Hannah's knowledge and unwavering philosophy of respect and integrity intertwine with strong negotiating skills honed through many successfully closed transactions. She approaches every detail of working with her clients with savvy, experience and passion. She has a true pulse on the industry, clearly and thoroughly sharing her knowledge with her clients, while also understanding the emotions involved in the real estate process. Communication is extremely important to Hannah, and she works hard to keep in close touch with all of her clients, and prides herself in helping her buyers and sellers with expertise, and above all, good humor.

After traveling the world, and settling in Marin in 1995, Hannah feels truly blessed to be surrounded by the beauty and quality of life that Marin affords, and knows the importance of having a home that feels like a sanctuary. She would be honored to help guide you expertly through selling or buying your home!

Hannah feels strongly about giving back, and supports these charities and many others by donating a percentage of her commission and skills after each transaction:

Cake4kids -
Marin Grateful Gatherings -
The Gentle Barn -